Summer I Weekday 2024 Standings

  Summer I 2024 Weekday Summaries & Standings


Games thru -  Thursday, July 11, 2024
Team Wins Losses Ties Win Pct.
Ranalls Realty 9 3 1 0.731
Fast Signs 5 6 2 0.462
Wyyerd 5 7 1 0.423
Petelin Vision 4 7 2 0.385

 Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Ranall's Realty - 10 Fast Signs - 9

In a closely fought game; Ranalls held on for the win. Perfect at the plate Gale Hiser, Mike Machurak 3/3, and sub Ken Silva 2/2 and a triple. Dick Nunez, sub Tom Ranalls, and Tom Yurkunas were all 2/3. Ranalls had a double as well. Thank you to our subs!!

Ranalls Realty outscored Fast Signs 9-8 in a game that stayed close from beginning to end. Most of the offense was supplied by the first six batters in the line-up, 12 Hits out of a total of 14. Jeff Watson, Sub. Norris Carpenter, Jeff Nickerson, J.D. Dillree, Randy Van Wagner and Ed Campbell had two Hits each. Watson Scored 2 Runs, Carpenter Scored 2 Runs, Nickerson Scored 2 Runs, also had 2 Doubles and 4 RBI, Dillree 2 Runs and 2 RBI and Van Wagner 2 RBI. The rest of the offense came from Joe Osowiec and Laura Johnson each had a hit. Defensively, Watson and Nickerson both made a couple of very good catches in Left Field and Right Center .Sub. Laura Johnson in Rignt Field made a very good, important catch in the bottom of the sixth inning to keep the score at 9-8. Denise Gibala handled a hard hit line drive at 2nd Base that hit the dirt but she stopped it and threw to First to Ed Campbell who made an excellent catch to complete the out to stop a potential rally. Sub. Norris Carpenter covered his position at 3rd Base very well handling ground balls and a pop-up going back and catching it, that might have fallen in for a hit. A loss for Fast Signs but an excellent and exciting softball game.

Petelin Vision - 13 WyYerd Fiber - 12

Well the vision team pulled one out in the bottom of the 7th with a big hit by Les Zirbel. The defense pulled it together and the team got 17 hits. Getting 3 hits each were Les Zirbel (2 Triples), Dave Power (HR) and Curtis Rhoades. Getting 2 hits each were Jay Schirpke (HR) and Wayne Moxley. Next Game Thursday July 11th 8:15 Visitors

WyYerd again faced the Petelin Vision squad in another close and competitive game at the Grand. Ultimately, Petelin edged WyYerd 13-12. Gary Finer 3-4 (2B) and Howard Sumner 3-4 led the WyYerd offensive attack. Greg Roehm 2-3 (2B), Jerry Eastham, Laura Johnson, Craig Warner (2B) and Ed Musgrave added two hits for WyYerd. Special thanks to Craig Warner and Ken Krzeminski for substituting for WyYerd.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Ranall's Realty - 11 WyYerd Fiber - 4

Ranalls wrapped up the championship in convincing fashion 11-4. Perfect at the plate were Dick Nunez and Don Hansen 3/3. Gale Hiser was 2/2 double. Sub Craig Nelson was 2/3 with a triple. Sub Rob White was 2/4. Joel last had a big RBI in the bottom spot. Great job team!!

WyYerd faced a competitive Ranalls Realty club that resulted in an easy 11-4 win for Ranalls. Not much went well for WyYerd either in the field or at the plate. WyYerd managed only 15 hits without any extra base hits. Leading WyYerd at the plate was lead-off hitter, Howard Sumner, and clean-up hitter, Greg Roehm, both of which were a perfect 3-3 at the plate. John Hammel, Bob Snelling, Don F. Cole and substitute player Danny Wood added 2 hits for WyYerd. Special thanks to Barney Armstrong and Danny Wood for substituting today for WyYerd.

Fast Signs - 16 Petelin Vision - 13

Fast Signs defeated Petelin Vision 16-13 in what was a game that went back and forth. The game was tied 13-13 going into the bottom of the sixth, 9 batters came to the plate for Fast Signs and scored 3 Runs. Then in the top of the seventh with the tying Run at the plate and 2 out, Sheldon Reynolds caught a hard hit grounder up the middle and threw to second for the force to end the game. Defensively there were some good plays and some not so good and that Darn Pitcher Artie Stackpole (that would be me) walked 4 batters late in the game but managed to get through the game with the win, thanks to our offense. Everyone on the team got at least 1 Hit and overall there were 30 Hits. Sub. Norris Carpenter and Kirk King (in his first game back) got 4 Hits each, Carpenter had 4 Doubles (that's right I said 4 Doubles), 3 Runs Scored and 2 RBI and King a RBI. Jeff Watson, Jeff Nickerson, J. D. Dillree, Randy Van Wagner (our Manager and leading hitter average wise), and Ed Campbell had 3 Hits apiece. Watson 2 Runs Scored and 3 RBI, Nickerson 2 Doubles, 2 Runs Scored and 3 RBI, Dillree 2 Runs Scored, 2 Doubles and 2 RBI, Van Wagner Run Scored, Double and 2 RBI and Campbell Run Scored. Sheldon Rosenthal, Denise Gibala and Joe Osowiec each contributed 2 Hits, Rosenthal Run Scored and RBI, Gibala 2 Runs scored (3 if you count her running for me) and RBI, Osowiec Run Scored and RBI. It was the most complete team effort offensively that anyone could ask for. Even I got on base twice (a small miracle). a walk and a ground ball to the infield that I was sure would be an out but somehow I managed to make it to first, guessing it was misplayed.

The team had some really good hitting, getting 22 hits, but too many miscues in the field led to the loss. The team played hard, but came up short, as everyone was feeling the heat. Big hitters, getting 4 hits each were Les Zirbel (2 doubles) and Curt Rhoades. Getting 3 hits(double) was sub Barney Armstrong. Getting 2 hits each were Dave Powers, Don Trenda, Jeff Smith and Wayne Moxley (triple).


Games thru -  Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Team Wins Losses Ties Win Pct.
Ranalls Realty 8 3 1 0.708
Wyyerd 5 6 1 0.458
Petelin Vision 4 6 2 0.417
Fast Signs 4 6 2 0.417

 Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Ranall's Realty - 10 Fast Signs - 9

In a closely fought game; Ranalls held on for the win. Perfect at the plate Gale Hiser, Mike Machurak 3/3, and sub Ken Silva 2/2 and a triple. Dick Nunez, sub Tom Ranalls, and Tom Yurkunas were all 2/3. Ranalls had a double as well. Thank you to our subs!!

Ranalls Realty outscored Fast Signs 9-8 in a game that stayed close from beginning to end. Most of the offense was supplied by the first six batters in the line-up, 12 Hits out of a total of 14. Jeff Watson, Sub. Norris Carpenter, Jeff Nickerson, J.D. Dillree, Randy Van Wagner and Ed Campbell had two Hits each. Watson Scored 2 Runs, Carpenter Scored 2 Runs, Nickerson Scored 2 Runs, also had 2 Doubles and 4 RBI, Dillree 2 Runs and 2 RBI and Van Wagner 2 RBI. The rest of the offense came from Joe Osowiec and Laura Johnson each had a hit. Defensively, Watson and Nickerson both made a couple of very good catches in Left Field and Right Center .Sub. Laura Johnson in Rignt Field made a very good, important catch in the bottom of the sixth inning to keep the score at 9-8. Denise Gibala handled a hard hit line drive at 2nd Base that hit the dirt but she stopped it and threw to First to Ed Campbell who made an excellent catch to complete the out to stop a potential rally. Sub. Norris Carpenter covered his position at 3rd Base very well handling ground balls and a pop-up going back and catching it, that might have fallen in for a hit. A loss for Fast Signs but an excellent and exciting softball game.

Petelin Vision - 13 WyYerd Fiber - 12

Well the vision team pulled one out in the bottom of the 7th with a big hit by Les Zirbel. The defense pulled it together and the team got 17 hits. Getting 3 hits each were Les Zirbel (2 Triples), Dave Power (HR) and Curtis Rhoades. Getting 2 hits each were Jay Schirpke (HR) and Wayne Moxley. Next Game Thursday July 11th 8:15 Visitors

WyYerd again faced the Petelin Vision squad in another close and competitive game at the Grand. Ultimately, Petelin edged WyYerd 13-12. Gary Finer 3-4 (2B) and Howard Sumner 3-4 led the WyYerd offensive attack. Greg Roehm 2-3 (2B), Jerry Eastham, Laura Johnson, Craig Warner (2B) and Ed Musgrave added two hits for WyYerd. Special thanks to Craig Warner and Ken Krzeminski for substituting for WyYerd.


Games thru -  Thursday, July 4, 2024
Team Wins Losses Ties Win Pct.
Ranalls Realty 7 3 1 0.682
Wyyerd 5 5 1 0.500
Fast Signs 4 5 2 0.455
Petelin Vision 3 6 2 0.364

 Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Petelin Vision - 13 Fast Signs - 7

The bats were as the temperature, for the team collected 23 hits and this, along with some good defense gave the vision team the win. Getting 3 hits each were Jay Schirpke (triple), Les Zirbel (double), Jim Opyd(triple), Don Trenda, Dave Power and Curtis Rhoades. Getting 2 hits was sub Mike Kachurak. Good hitting, defense and fine pitching by Don Trenda led to the win. Next Game: Tuesday July 9th 8:15 HOME

Fast Signs had a lop sided game today trailing from beginning to end and finally losing 13-7. Petelin plated 7 runs in the first 2 innings while shutting down Fast Signs. Over the final five innings Fast Signs outscored them 7-6 but Petelin didn't get to back in the 7th inning. Defensively J.D. Dillree made several outstanding plays and one that he almost made would have been the highlight of the defense. Our offense did have some highlights but was not up to par. Jeff NIckerson, J.D, Dillree and Jeff Watson all had 3 hits, Nickerson Double 2 Runs Scored and a RBI, Dillree Double, Run Scored and 4 RBI, Watson 3 Runs Scored. Sheldon Rosenthal, Randy Van Wagner and Randy Ratcliff had 2 Hits each, Rosenthal RBI, Van Wagner Run Scored and Ratcliff Run Scored. Ed Campbell and Joe Osowiec contributed a Hit apiece, Campbell had a RBI.

WyYerd Fiber - 13 Ranall's Realty - 12

"WyYerd faced the division leading Ranalls Realty squad today in an exciting game very much in doubt until the very last pitch of the game. WyYerd ultimately won the contest in a walk-off in the bottom of the seventh inning, 13-12. WyYerd’s top of the batting order came through in the seventh when needed. With one out, Gary Finer, John Hammel and Bob Snelling all singled. Greg Roehm followed with a double to the right field gap. With the score tied 12-12 and bases loaded, Jerry Eastham walked to drive in the winning run. Three WyYerd players were perfect at the plate: John Hammel 4-4 (2B), Bob Snelling 4-4 (2B) (3B), and Greg Roehm 3-3 (2B). Gary Finer was 3-4 with two triples. WyYerd demonstrated what it takes to win at the Grand in an enjoyable game for spectators.
The game went right down to the wire with WyYerd pulling it out in the 7th. Leading hitters going 4/4 were Dick Nunez, sub Ken Silva 2B HR, and Gale Hiser 2B. Dorothy Mazur was 2/3. Going 2/4 were Jeff Silversteen, Chris Espejo, and Mike Kachurak. It was a tough one to lose!!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Ranall's Realty - 10 Petelin Vision - 6

Ranalls pulled off an important win in a close game. Several players turned in web gems including; Jeff Silversteen, Gale Hiser, Ken Silva, and Dorothy Mazur. Going perfect at the plate were Dick Nunez 2B, Jeff Silversteen 2 doubles 4/4, and Don Hansen 3/3. Going 3/4 were Tom Yurkunas and Gale Hiser. Mike Kucharak was 2/3. Sub Ken Silva was 2/4 with a double. Thank you Ken for subbing again.

At a hot day at the field the bats stayed cold for some. The team played some good defense , but had only 13 hits. Getting 3 hits was Curtis Rhoades. Getting 2 hits each were Jay Schirpke (2 doubles), Les Zirbel (triple), Dave Power (double) and Jim Opyd (double).

Fast Signs -10 WyYerd Fiber - 14

Wyyerd defeated Fast Signs 14-10, they led the entire game. They kept Fast Signs chasing them but always managing to keep their lead. Defensively, Sub. Ken Silva Left Center threw to second base and twice got the runner forced out on what should have been a base hit. A couple of double plays executed by the infield kept the game somewhat in reach. Offensively Jeff Nickerson had 3 Hits, a Double, Run Scored and 2 RBI. Randy Van Wagner also had 3 Hits, Run Scored and 3 RBI. Adding 2 Hits each Jeff Watson, Randy Radcliff, Ed Campbell, Radcliff 3 Runs Scored and a RBI and Campbell Double and 2 RBI. Dorothy Mazur had a Hit and a Walk in three at bats.

WyYerd squared up against Fast Signs in a battle for sole possession of second place in the division. WyYerd led the game from beginning to end with a final winning score of 14-10. WyYerd continued it’s improved play as demonstrated by 24 total hits and a number of outstanding defensive plays. In the third inning, John Hammel made a fantastic unassisted double play at first base that ended the inning. The defensive play of the game took place with 2 outs in the bottom of the seventh inning. LCF Gary Finer made an unbelievable catch of a ball in shallow left center field that ultimately ended the contest. The WyYerd offense was led by Don F. Cole, who was scorching hot with a 4-4 day at the plate to include a triple. Greg Roehm also had a perfect 4-4 offensive day. John Hammel was 3-3 and Bob Snelling 3-4 including a triple. Gene Fleck reached safely in 2 of his 3 plate appearances. Another impressive performance by the talented WyYerd club.


Games thru -  Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Team Wins Losses Ties Win Pct.
Ranalls Realty 6 3 1 0.650
Fast Signs 4 4 2 0.500
Wyyerd 4 5 1 0.450
Petelin Vision 3 5 2 0.400

 Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Petelin Vision - 13 Fast Signs - 7

The bats were as the temperature, for the team collected 23 hits and this, along with some good defense gave the vision team the win. Getting 3 hits each were Jay Schirpke (triple), Les Zirbel (double), Jim Opyd(triple), Don Trenda, Dave Power and Curtis Rhoades. Getting 2 hits was sub Mike Kachurak. Good hitting, defense and fine pitching by Don Trenda led to the win. Next Game: Tuesday July 9th 8:15 HOME

Fast Signs had a lop sided game today trailing from beginning to end and finally losing 13-7. Petelin plated 7 runs in the first 2 innings while shutting down Fast Signs. Over the final five innings Fast Signs outscored them 7-6 but Petelin didn't get to back in the 7th inning. Defensively J.D. Dillree made several outstanding plays and one that he almost made would have been the highlight of the defense. Our offense did have some highlights but was not up to par. Jeff NIckerson, J.D, Dillree and Jeff Watson all had 3 hits, Nickerson Double 2 Runs Scored and a RBI, Dillree Double, Run Scored and 4 RBI, Watson 3 Runs Scored. Sheldon Rosenthal, Randy Van Wagner and Randy Ratcliff had 2 Hits each, Rosenthal RBI, Van Wagner Run Scored and Ratcliff Run Scored. Ed Campbell and Joe Osowiec contributed a Hit apiece, Campbell had a RBI.

WyYerd Fiber - 13 Ranall's Realty - 12

"WyYerd faced the division leading Ranalls Realty squad today in an exciting game very much in doubt until the very last pitch of the game. WyYerd ultimately won the contest in a walk-off in the bottom of the seventh inning, 13-12. WyYerd’s top of the batting order came through in the seventh when needed. With one out, Gary Finer, John Hammel and Bob Snelling all singled. Greg Roehm followed with a double to the right field gap. With the score tied 12-12 and bases loaded, Jerry Eastham walked to drive in the winning run. Three WyYerd players were perfect at the plate: John Hammel 4-4 (2B), Bob Snelling 4-4 (2B) (3B), and Greg Roehm 3-3 (2B). Gary Finer was 3-4 with two triples. WyYerd demonstrated what it takes to win at the Grand in an enjoyable game for spectators.
The game went right down to the wire with WyYerd pulling it out in the 7th. Leading hitters going 4/4 were Dick Nunez, sub Ken Silva 2B HR, and Gale Hiser 2B. Dorothy Mazur was 2/3. Going 2/4 were Jeff Silversteen, Chris Espejo, and Mike Kachurak. It was a tough one to lose!!