League Specific Rules Fall 2024

 Please view Club Rules under the Player tab - these league rules are a supplement to that document. This file prints to one page.

RED League Specific Rules
Winter 2024
1. Subs:
  a) Call players on sub list first. They can be used 4 times per team. If a player from the sub list is unavailable. You may request a rostered player as a sub. They can only be used 2 times per team.  A player going in mid game for an injured player does not count against their total. 

  b) We are using an A, B, C etc. classification for subs (not the one tenth system) List will be provided.

  c) Any exceptions see a commissioner.

2. Maximum of 5 subs can be used per game. (Because of tournament play and the early departing of players heading home, the commissioners and/or assistant commissioners may make an exception to this rule).

3. Sliding is allowed at all bases except at home plate line. Sliding at the home plate line will be called out.

4. Red league will utilize the 70'base paths.

5. We are going to use the Senior Softball sub running rule. A player can sub run once per inning.

6. First base: We are going to use the Senior Softball rule in regards to use of white and orange bags.

7. Three Home Runs per team per game, After that they will be considered walks.

8. Only players with a minimum rating of 2.7 or better are allowed to sign up for the Red League draft.

9. In the event that 2 of the 3 Red League games are completed, those games completed will be posted per the results of those games (Win = 2 points, Loss = 0 points or a Tie = 1 point). During the game that results in a stoppage of play due to weather, the league will do its best to reschedule that game - regardless of at what point it is - full game or some portion of the game. If the league can’t get the game rescheduled, it will result in a tie for those two teams. If a game is stopped before being considered a complete game (4 1/2 innings), upon resuming the game, it will be played to completion - 7 innings or a mercy game. In the event only one game is completed, it will result in a “tie” for all 6 teams resulting in 1 point for each team. (Please note, this is at the discretion of the Red League Commissioner (s) for the rescheduling of a game.)

10. Follow Senior Softball rules which allow for unlimited walks. (Please note: It is the commissioners desire that managers don’t overuse the intentional walk. If this becomes a bigger problem than we think, we will discuss alternatives for next session.)

11. Each Manager is allowed two challenges or an “ask” for help” per game. (Please note: This does not include appeals, such as missing a base or leaving early on a fly ball/tag up situation because umpires do not call these proactively and a manager must make an appeal to the umpiring team.)